Cloverfield Monster Revealed, Bad Breath Implied

Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2008 by Flickr Music

The fine minds over at New York magazine’s Vulture blog have pointed to a clip of the monster from Cloverfield, J.J. Abrams’ super-secret disaster film opening tomorrow. The movie’s shot from the point of view of a group of people who are on the streets of Manhattan when the thing attacks — and not, say, filmed from the lofty vantage of the president, newspaper editor-in-chief and five-star army general. It’s filled with shaky, hand-held footage and apparently offers a disturbingly real vision of New York City post tragic disaster. While that might be fun for the movie people in L.A. (and, indeed, everywhere else on Earth), us New York people are a little skittish about, you know, the End Of The World. Maybe that’s because we’ve become friendly with the guy who wears the placard that reads “The End Is Nigh!” all the time, seeing as how we hang out with him sometimes on our lunchbreak and discuss politics, Revelation, print-making, etc. Regardless, if you want to poison your mind with visions of the beast, click here. If not, steer clear of this post — and theaters this weekend.

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