Zac Efron Loves Leo, But He’s Not Gay

Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 by Flickr Music

That hair. Those eyes. Those fake eyelashes. What’s not to love about Zac Efron, right tweens? The heartthrob of High School Musical is now speaking out about all those rumors about his sexuality, and he while he doesn’t clear anything up, he does come across as kind of smart. “I know it’s very addictive to read that kind of stuff. It’s entertainment. Honestly, if the worst he can say about me is that I’m gay, then I think I’ll be fine. I can handle it.” He adds, “These days everyone is just waiting for me to f*ck up. I’m not gonna give anyone the satisfaction of that.”

You mean like referencing Leonardo DiCaprio when pressed to come up with your first celebrity crush? We didn’t have to wait that long, Zac! Check out the video below to see what other classy guys Zac admires.

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