Coachella Coming East

Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 by Flickr Music

Rock 'n' roll has always been about excess -- where too much of everything is just enough. Let's just hope that's the case with music festivals too, as more are added to the map each year. Lollapalooza is back. Coachella never left. Austin City Limits is in full swing. Virgin landed in Maryland. Both Langerado and Vegoose become more ambitious every time. Bonnaroo, meanwhile, has become nothing less than an American icon. Last year alone, major-league festivals debuted in Denver (Monolith), Atlanta (Echo Project) and San Francisco (Treasure Island), just to name a few.

And now we have two new major festivals slated to storm the Northeast this summer, both of which will be produced by veterans of the festival scene. Earlier this week, it was rumored that the team behind Coachella -- AEG Live/Goldenvoice -- was looking to launch a renamed East Coast version of the hipster-fest at a park in the New York City area. While details remain sketchy, the intent has been confirmed by various sources.

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